Table of Contents

General Functions

Action Menu

Customize Templates


In foreknown, documents such as offers, orders, invoices, activity reports, and exports of services are managed, which later also need to be exported for the customer, e.g. to be sent as a PDF document by e-mail. To ensure that these documents meet the requirements and the common design (CD) of your company, individual customization will be ensured.

Therefore, all documents created with foreknown are always based on a Freemarker (HTML, CSS) file for offers, orders and invoices and on Microsoft Excel files for activity reports.

Note: Freemarker is a template engine that allows you to dynamically fill HTML pages with data. In foreknown we use Freemarker templates (.fmt files) to insert the offer, order, invoice and service data into the HTML/CSS designed templates. More information and a comprehensive documentation on Freemarker can be found on the website

These templates can be downloaded via the template management in the system administration for an individual design. It is also possible to create several variants per document type (offer, order, invoice, activity report, e-mail) e.g., to provide templates in multiple languages or for fixed-price and effort-based offers.

Manage Templates - List and Search

The administration of the templates is opened via the menu item "System Administration / Templates". Only users with the "Account Administrator" role can access this area.

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General Functions

Search Template

In the upper area of the "Manage Templates" dialog is the search field and the "+ New" button (see also Create Template). Below this area all already created templates are displayed in form of a scrollable and sortable list.

If you now enter a search term in the input field, the list will only show the templates that contain the entered search term in the name. In this way, individual templates can be found and edited quickly.

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Create Template

To create a new template, click on the "+ New" button located at the top right of the search box. This button opens the "Create Template" popup dialog.

Manage Templates - Create Template

The following properties must be specified for a new template:

  1. Base Template: A base template must be selected from a drop-down list. This also determines the purpose of the template. A template can be created for offers, orders, invoices, activity reports, service entry exports, and e-mails.
  2. Name: Here the name of the template is entered, which should be as self-explanatory as possible, in order to be able to recognize the desired variant later when selecting a template.

With the action "Save" a new template is created. With the action "Reset" and "Cancel" the entries are discarded and in case of the action "Cancel" the dialog is closed.

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Action Menu

In front of each entry in the list of templates is an action menu (button with 3 dots), which offers all actions available for a template.

Manage Templates - Action Menu

All actions are described in detail below.


The "Preview" action opens the selected template, fills it with the values currently stored in the variables and some sample data, and creates a PDF document from it. This is then made available for opening or saving locally.

In this way, you can quickly get an impression of whether the current version of the template meets your company's requirements.

Note: This function is not available for a template of the type "Service Entry Export".

Template Error

Note: If the template contains an error, e.g. errors in the HTML or in the Freemarker placeholders, then the error is displayed in a pop-up window with the specification of a row and column. If there is an error because, for example, a variable is not filled in some cases, e.g. contact person, and this value was not checked for NULL, no row/column information can be output because the error only occurs in the rendered HTML.

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Download current Template

This action downloads the current version of the template as Freemarker file (.fmt) or for service entry exports as MS Excel (.xlsx) file, so that it can be adapted if necessary and uploaded again with the action "Upload edited template".

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Download Base Template

This action downloads the basic version of the template as a Freemarker file (.fmt) or, for service entry exports, as an MS Excel (.xlsx) file so that it can be customized if necessary and uploaded again. Basic version means that it is the original version of the template provided by foreknown and not yet customized.

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Upload edited Template

This action uploads a customized version of the Freemarker file (.fmt) or, for service entry exports, the MS Excel (.xlsx) file. Thus, it overwrites the current version of the template.

NOTE: This action overwrites the current version of the template and is irrevocably!

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Set as default

This action sets the selected template as the default template of the underlying document type. This means that you can specify for offers, orders, invoices, activity reports, and service entry exports which of the respective templates should be preset when creating a new document.

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Edit Master Data

This action opens the "Edit Master Data" dialog, which can only be used to change the name of the template. The base template can no longer be changed for an existing template.

A descriptive name should always be chosen so that when a template is assigned to an offer, an order, an invoice, an activity report, and an service entry export, it is immediately apparent which template it is.

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Edit Variables

This action opens the "Edit Variables" dialog, through which some "placeholders" for a template can be filled with concrete values. The variables are static values that are inserted when a template is used.

Manage Templates - Manage Variables

Important: Initially, all variables are filled with demo data and should therefore be adapted to your own company data.

The "Add Variable" action can be used to add additional variables of your own. However, in order to appear in the template, a new placeholder referencing this variable must be added to the template. The customization of the templates is described below.

The "Save" action saves the changes. With the action "Reset" and "Cancel" the entries are discarded and in case of the action "Cancel" the dialog is closed.

Placeholder of the MS Excel Base Templates

Exactly one variable is currently already created for the "Activity Reports" template, as it is used in the base template:

  1. companyName: Contains the name of your company. Is used in the footer area of the base template.

However, as already mentioned, any other variables can be added.

Placeholders of the Freemarker Base Templates

The base templates supplied for offers, orders, invoices, activity reports and e-mails already contain a number of variables, which can be pre-assigned centrally with your company's values via the company profile.

To overwrite these centrally maintained values, simply create a variable with the same name in the template. For example, the central contact person for offers or orders can be set individually on the templates.

  1. Contact and Address Data of your Company

    1. companyName: Name of the company; will be displayed in the header and in the sender of the template; Initial: Muster GmbH.
    2. companyAddressLine1: Address suffix 1st line. This is not used in the base templates.
    3. companyAddressLine2: Address suffix 2nd line. This is not used in the base templates.
    4. companyStreetAddress: Street and house number of the company; will be displayed in the header and in the sender of the template; Initial: Musterstrasse 1
    5. companyPostalCode: Postal code of the company; will be displayed in the header and in the sender of the template; Initial: 12345
    6. companyCity: City of the company; will be displayed in the header area and in the sender of the template; Initial: Sample City
    7. companyRegion: Region / federal state of the company. This is not used in the base templates.
    8. companyCountry: Country of the company; not used in the standard templates
  2. Contact Data of your Company

    1. companyEmail: E-Mail address of the company. This is displayed in the header area of the base templates.
    2. companyPhone: Phone number of the company.This is displayed in the header area of the base templates.
    3. companyFax: Fax number of the company. This is displayed in the header area of the base templates.
    4. companyWebsite: Website of the company. This is displayed in the header area of the base templates.
  3. Data of the Standard Contact Person

    1. responsibleName: General contact person of the company. This variable is displayed in the header area of the basic templates. If available, it is overwritten by the value of a responsible person of the respective document (offer, order, invoice).
    2. responsibleDepartment: Department of the company's general contact person. This variable is only filled if a contact person has been entered in the respective document (offer, order, invoice) and this person has specified a department in their profile.
    3. responsiblePosition: Position of the company's general contact person. This variable is only filled if a contact person has been entered for the respective document (offer, order, invoice) and this person has specified a position in their profile.
    4. responsibleEmail: Email address of the company's general contact person. This variable is used in the header area of the basic templates. If available, it is overwritten by the value of a corresponding contact person of the respective document (offer, order, invoice).
    5. responsiblePhone: Telephone number of the company's general contact person. This variable is used in the header area of the basic templates. If available, it is overwritten by the value of a corresponding contact person of the respective document (offer, order, invoice).
  4. Bank Details

    1. bankName: Name of the company's bank; displayed in the header of the base template.
    2. bankId: BIC of the company's account; will be displayed in the header of the base template.
    3. bankAccountNumber: IBAN of the company's account; will be displayed in the header of the base template.
  5. Legal Information

    1. management: Names of the managing directors of the company, which will be displayed in the header of the template.
    2. salesTaxNumber: Sales Tax Identification Number of the company, which will be displayed in the header of the template.
    3. commercialRegister: Commercial register number of the company, which will be displayed in the header of the template.
    4. jurisdiction: Jurisdiction of the company, which will be displayed in the header of the template.
  6. Images

    1. companyImage1: Base64 string e.g. of a logo image. This is displayed in the header on the right in the base templates.
    2. companyImage2: Base64 string e.g. of another image. This can be used in individual templates.
    3. companyImage3: Base64 string e.g. of another image. This can be used in customised templates.
  7. Fonts

    1. companyFontFamily: Name of the font family, which can refer to one of the supported fonts from foreknown or to a Google font.
    2. companyGoogleFontUrl: URL of the Google font to be used. In this case, the value under companyFontFamily must match the referenced Google Font.
  8. settings

    1. showVatPerPosition: Relevant for invoice, offer and order templates. Flag that determines whether the VAT rate should be displayed for each position. Initial: false
    2. showServiceEntryData: Only relevant for invoice templates. Flag that determines whether the services and additional services should also be output on the invoice as additional pages in landscape format. Initial: false
    3. showHeaderPerPosition: Only relevant for invoice templates. Flag that determines whether each invoice item has its own column header. Initial: false
    4. showPaymentPlan: Only relevant for offer and order templates. Flag that determines whether a payment plan, if stored, should also be displayed. Initial: false
    5. sectionPageBreak: Only relevant for activity report templates. Flag that determines whether a page break is to be inserted for each type of service (partial payments, additional service entries, service entries).

Notes: Via the company profile, all variables (except "Settings") can be centrally pre-assigned with values for all base templates. If a base template shoud overwrite a specific value, a variable with the same name must be created for the template.

The responsbile person data is overwritten by the profile data of the "responsible person" of an offer, order or invoice, if this is maintained.

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Delete Template

An existing template can be deleted using this action. A confirmation dialog opens where the template is finally deleted by clicking on the delete button.

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Customise templates

The aim of the templates in foreknown is to make it possible to create a customised design for all documents that can be created with foreknown. The following describes how you can customise the different template types. A distinction is made between Freemarker and Excel templates, as these are different technologies that are used for those templates.

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Customise Freemarker Templates

A Freemarker template is used to generate offers, orders, invoices and activity reports as a PDF document. A base template is available for each of these types, which is used as the basis for creating a customised template.template.

The various customisation options are described in more detail below.

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Customized Templates via Company Profile

The easiest way to customise a template is via the company profile, which can be accessed via the navigation under "System Administration / Company Profile". In addition to some company data for the letterhead a logo can also be uploaded and a font customised.

In this way, the base templates supplied can already be customised without "programming".

Documentation: Take a look at the detailed description of the company profile to be able to create customised offer, orders, invoices and activity reports within a few minutes.

If you want to make structural changes to the templates, there is no way around the Freemarker templates.

Customize Design

The first step for creating a custom template is to download a base template of the desired template type e.g. of the offer. This Freemarker .fmt file can then be edited in an editor. It is helpful to use an editor that supports the .fmt (Freemarker) format and thus allows text highlighting.

Note: The freemarker file uploaded to a foreknown template must have the extension ".fmt" and not the ".ftl" extension, which is also common.

The base template is an HTML file with embedded CSS, which also has freemarker instructions. If only certain changes are needed to the base template, in the simplest case only the CSS and the logo need to be adjusted.

CSS Adjustments

Some changes regarding font sizes, spacing and colors can also be made only through CSS adjustments, if no fundamental structural changes are necessary.

All CSS instructions are located in the head section of the .fmt (html) file and can be adjusted there.

Customize HTML Structure

To make structural changes to a base template, there are a few aspects to consider:

  1. The current templates are based on the sizes of a DIN A4 page as a portrait. Many width and height specifications are given in millimeters (mm) to ensure that the dimensions correspond to the DIN A4 format. Therefore, when table structures used, make sure that the sum of column widths are within the range of a DIN A4 page. Furthermore, some CSS instructions are used, which are used dedicated to a print output, in order to e.g. output a footer with page number.
  2. With the offer and order templates it is to be noted that there are different position types and settings in foreknown. Each type, whether "Fixed price", "Time & Material" or "Other Position" has other data that are displayed differently. Furthermore, there are variants that result from the properties of a position, e.g. if no quantity specification is required or if a price range has been activated. For this reason each variation has its own HTML area in the base template. These should all be considered individually when making adjustments to the presentation of positions.
  3. Besides the positions there are also text positions. In the base template you can see how to differentiate between a offer, order, invoice position and a text position and how to identify and print lines above and below a position.
  4. There are some variables that control the display of certain information e.g. the variable showHeaderPerPosition makes sure that the column headers per position are repeated in an invoice if the value is set to "true".
  5. The data of an offer, order or invoice and the related customer data are also integrated using the notation ${offer | order | invoice.}. The base templates of each document type provides all necessary variables. Ensure that all data, which could have null or empty values, are surrounded by an if-statement, which checks this e.g., with the ...?has_content notation.

Generally spoken, the base templates can be fully customized in terms of HTML and CSS which gives you full freedom designing your individual templates.

Recommendation: If major changes are to be made to a base template, developers should be available with HTML and CSS knowledge and a good understanding of a template engine like Freemarker. To test the structure (without Freemarker statements) during development, the following service can be used:

To test templates with Freemarker expressions, a new version of a .fmt file must be uploaded to foreknown via the template management with the action "Upload edited template" and can be tested by printing e.g. a draft offer.

If you want support in designing your individual templates, please contact us via

Insert data

Each template type (offer, order, invoice) is provided with all the necessary data in the form of a hierarchical structure. This data is usually accessed using the following Freemarker commands (examples):

  1. Reading a property: e.g. ${offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountDeadline}
  2. Evaluating a property for content: e.g. <#if offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountDeadline?has_content>...</#if>
  3. Iterate through a list: e.g. <#list offer.introductoryTextItems as introductoryTextItem>...</#list>

Which properties are provided with which data type for each template type is described below.

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Access Offer Data

The following data is provided for a template of the type "Offer":

Name Formate Description
offer.creator Object
-- long Unique id of the creator
-- String Creator name
offer.creationDate String Date of technical creation
offer.offerDate String Maintained offer date
offer.offerNumber String Offer number
offer.periodOfValidity String Binding period (date)
offer.status String Offer status
offer.customerId String Unique ID of the customer
offer.vatNumber String VAT number given by the customer
offer.supplierNumber String Supplier number given by the customer
offer.customer Object
-- offer.customer.salutationType String Type of salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- offer.customer.salutation String Salutation without name
-- offer.customer.salutationWithName String Salutation by name
-- offer.customer.streetAddress String Street and house number of the customer
-- offer.customer.postalCode String Customer address zip code
-- String City of customer address
-- offer.customer.postalCodeAndCity String Zip code and city of the customer address
-- offer.customer.region String Customer address region
-- String Country of customer address
-- offer.customer.addressLine1 String Address addition 1 of the customer address
-- offer.customer.addressLine2 String Address addition 2 of the customer address
-- String Customer phone number
-- String Customer email address
-- String Customer's website
offer.customerContact Object
-- offer.customerContact.salutationType String Type of salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- offer.customerContact.salutation String Salutation without name
-- offer.customerContact.salutationWithName String Salutation by name
-- offer.customerContact.streetAddress String Street and house number of the customer contact
-- offer.customerContact.postalCode String Customer contact address postal code
-- String City of customer contact address
-- offer.customerContact.postalCodeAndCity String Zip code and city of the customer contact address
-- offer.customerContact.region String Customer contact address region
-- String Country of customer contact address
-- offer.customerContact.addressLine1 String Address supplement 1 of the customer contact address
-- offer.customerContact.addressLine2 String Address addition 2 of the customer contact address
-- String Customer contact phone number
-- String Email address of the customer contact
-- String Customer contact website
offer.billingAddressText String Full offer address
offer.offerReference String Offer reference number String Offer name
offer.currency String Offer Currency
offer.currencySymbol String Currency symbol of the currency of the offer
offer.reverseCharge boolean Flag whether Reverse Charge procedure is used for this offer.
offer.introductoryTextItems List List of introductory texts
-- itItem.textItem Object
---- itItem.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- itItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- itItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- itItem.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
offer.items List List of offer and text positions
-- item.position int Position number
-- item.sortIndex int Index for sorting
-- item.lineItem Object Contains the data of an offer item
---- item.lineItem.description String Description text
---- String Technical name of the item category (TIME_AND_MATERIALS, FIXED_PRICE, STANDARD)
---- item.lineItem.type.displayName String Position type display name
---- item.lineItem.itemReference String ...
---- item.lineItem.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent
---- item.lineItem.taxRateValue String Sales tax amount with currency symbol
---- item.lineItem.renderAmount boolean Flag whether quantity should be displayed
---- item.lineItem.amountNotSpecified boolean Flag whether "No quantity specification" has been set
---- item.lineItem.amountRange boolean Flag whether a price range has been selected
---- item.lineItem.amountMin String Quantity (min)
---- item.lineItem.amount String Quantity
---- item.lineItem.unit String Unit
---- item.lineItem.pricePerUnit String Price per unit with currency symbol
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalMin String Total price net (min)
---- item.lineItem.priceTotal String Total price net
---- item.lineItem.discounted boolean Flag whether a discount was specified
---- item.lineItem.discountType String Type of discount (percent, amount)
---- item.lineItem.discountValue String Percentage or absolute value of the discount
---- item.lineItem.discountTotalMin String Calculated discount based on percentage value (Min)
---- item.lineItem.discountTotal String Calculated discount based on percentage
---- item.lineItem.itemTotalMin String ...
---- item.lineItem.itemTotal String ...
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalGrossMin String Total price gross (min)
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalGross String Total price gross
---- item.lineItem.billable boolean Flag whether the position is billable
---- item.lineItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- item.lineItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- item.lineItem.items List List of all benefit type items
-- item.textItem Object Contains the text position data
---- item.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- item.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- item.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- item.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
offer.closingTextItems List List of final texts
-- ctItem.textItem Object
---- ctItem.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- ctItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- ctItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- ctItem.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
offer.termsOfPayment Object Contains the payment terms
-- offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDeadline int Payment term in days
-- offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountDeadline int Discount period in days
-- offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountPercent String Discount in percent
-- offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountAmount String Calculated discount amount
-- offer.termsOfPayment.totalGrossAfterPaymentDiscount String Offer amount after discount
-- offer.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountExists boolean Flag whether a discount amount > 0 exists
offer.showTotals boolean Flag whether offer totals can be displayed
offer.totals Object Offer totals
-- offer.totals.range boolean Flag whether a price range has been activated
-- offer.totals.priceTotalNetMinUndiscounted String Net amount excluding total discounts (min)
-- offer.totals.priceTotalNetUndiscounted String Net amount excluding total discounts
-- offer.totals.positionDiscounts boolean Flag whether position discounts exist
-- offer.totals.totalDiscounts boolean Flag whether total discounts exist
-- offer.totals.discounts List List of all total discounts
---- discount.type String Discount Type (AMOUNT, PERCENTAGE)
---- discount.value String Percentage or absolute discount value
---- discount.amountMin String Negative monetary value of the discount (Min)
---- discount.amount String Negative monetary value of the discount
-- offer.totals.priceTotalNetMin String Net amount including total discounts (min)
-- offer.totals.priceTotalNet String Net amount including total discounts
-- offer.totals.taxTotals List List of sales tax amounts
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent with designation
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.value String Sales tax rate in percent
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.totalSumMin String Net Offer Amount (Min)
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.totalSum String Net amount of the offer
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.taxSumMin String Total of all sales tax amounts (min)
---- offer.totals.taxTotals.taxSum String Total of all sales tax amounts
offer.paymentPlan Object
-- offer.paymentPlan.currency String Payment plan currency
-- offer.paymentPlan.items List List of all payment plan entries
---- ppItem.description String Description text
---- ppItem.dueDate String Due Date
---- ppItem.status String Status (NOT_INVOICED, INVOICE_IN_PROGRESS, INVOICED)
---- ppItem.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent
---- ppItem.amount String Quantity
---- ppItem.unit String Unit
---- ppItem.pricePerUnit String Price per unit
---- ppItem.paymentTotal String Amount of the advance payment
---- ppItem.invoicedTotal String Billed amount

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Access Order Data

The following data is provided to a template of type "Order":

Name Format Description
order.creator Object
-- long Unique id of the creator
-- String Creator name
order.creationDate String Date of technical creation
order.orderDate String Maintained order date
order.orderNumber String Order number
order.internal boolean Flag whether this is an internal order.
order.status String Status of the order
order.customerId String Unique ID of the customer
order.vatNumber String VAT number given by the customer
order.supplierNumber String Supplier number given by the customer
order.customer Object
-- order.customer.salutationType String Type of salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- order.customer.salutation String Salutation without name
-- order.customer.salutationWithName String Salutation by name
-- order.customer.streetAddress String Street and house number of the customer
-- order.customer.postalCode String Customer address zip code
-- String City of customer address
-- order.customer.postalCodeAndCity String Zip code and city of the customer address
-- order.customer.region String Customer address region
-- String Country of customer address
-- order.customer.addressLine1 String Address addition 1 of the customer address
-- order.customer.addressLine2 String Address addition 2 of the customer address
-- String Customer phone number
-- String Customer email address
-- String Customer's website
order.customerContact Object
-- order.customerContact.salutationType String Type of salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- order.customerContact.salutation String Salutation without name
-- order.customerContact.salutationWithName String Salutation by name
-- order.customerContact.streetAddress String Street and house number of the customer contact
-- order.customerContact.postalCode String Customer contact address postal code
-- String City of customer contact address
-- order.customerContact.postalCodeAndCity String Zip code and city of the customer contact address
-- order.customerContact.region String Customer contact address region
-- String Country of customer contact address
-- order.customerContact.addressLine1 String Address supplement 1 of the customer contact address
-- order.customerContact.addressLine2 String Address addition 2 of the customer contact address
-- String Customer contact phone number
-- String Email address of the customer contact
-- String Customer contact website
order.billingAddressText String Complete order address
order.orderReference String Order reference number
order.relatedOfferNumber String Number of the associated offer
order.relatedOfferTitle String Name of the associated offer
order.relatedOfferDate String Date of the associated offer String Name of the order
order.currency String Currency of the order
order.currencySymbol String Currency symbol of the order currency
order.reverseCharge boolean Flag whether Reverse Charge procedure is used for this order.
order.introductoryTextItems List List of introductory texts
-- itItem.textItem Object
---- itItem.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- itItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- itItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- itItem.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
order.items List List of order and text positions
-- item.position int Position number
-- item.sortIndex int Index for sorting
-- item.lineItem Object Contains the data of an order item
---- item.lineItem.description String Description text
---- String Technical name of the item category (TIME_AND_MATERIALS, FIXED_PRICE, STANDARD)
---- item.lineItem.type.displayName String Position type display name
---- item.lineItem.itemReference String ...
---- item.lineItem.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent
---- item.lineItem.taxRateValue String Sales tax amount with currency symbol
---- item.lineItem.renderAmount boolean Flag whether quantity should be displayed
---- item.lineItem.amountNotSpecified boolean Flag whether "No quantity specification" has been set
---- item.lineItem.amountRange boolean Flag whether a price range has been selected
---- item.lineItem.amountMin String Quantity (min)
---- item.lineItem.amount String Quantity
---- item.lineItem.unit String Unit
---- item.lineItem.pricePerUnit String Price per unit with currency symbol
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalMin String Total price net (min)
---- item.lineItem.priceTotal String Total price net
---- item.lineItem.discounted boolean Flag whether a discount was specified
---- item.lineItem.discountType String Type of discount (percent, amount)
---- item.lineItem.discountValue String Percentage or absolute value of the discount
---- item.lineItem.discountTotalMin String Calculated discount based on percentage value (Min)
---- item.lineItem.discountTotal String Calculated discount based on percentage
---- item.lineItem.itemTotalMin String ...
---- item.lineItem.itemTotal String ...
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalGrossMin String Total price gross (min)
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalGross String Total price gross
---- item.lineItem.billable boolean Flag whether the position is billable
---- item.lineItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- item.lineItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- item.lineItem.items List List of all benefit type items
-- item.textItem Object Contains the text position data
---- item.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- item.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- item.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- item.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
order.closingTextItems List List of final texts
-- ctItem.textItem Object
---- ctItem.textItem.sortIndex int Index for sorting
---- ctItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed above
---- ctItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag whether a line should be displayed below
---- ctItem.textItem.text String HTML formatted text
order.termsOfPayment Object Contains the payment terms
-- order.termsOfPayment.paymentDeadline int Payment term in days
-- order.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountDeadline int Discount period in days
-- order.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountPercent String Discount in percent
-- order.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountAmount String Calculated discount amount
-- order.termsOfPayment.totalGrossAfterPaymentDiscount String Order amount after discount
-- order.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountExists boolean Flag whether a discount amount > 0 exists
order.showTotals boolean Flag whether order totals can be displayed
order.totals Object Order totals
-- order.totals.range boolean Flag whether a price range has been activated
-- order.totals.priceTotalNetMinUndiscounted String Net amount excluding total discounts (min)
-- order.totals.priceTotalNetUndiscounted String Net amount excluding total discounts
-- order.totals.positionDiscounts boolean Flag whether position discounts exist
-- order.totals.totalDiscounts boolean Flag whether total discounts exist
-- order.totals.discounts List List of all total discounts
---- discount.type String Discount Type (AMOUNT, PERCENTAGE)
---- discount.value String Percentage or absolute discount value
---- discount.amountMin String Negative monetary value of the discount (Min)
---- discount.amount String Negative monetary value of the discount
-- order.totals.priceTotalNetMin String Net amount including total discounts (min)
-- order.totals.priceTotalNet String Net amount including total discounts
-- order.totals.taxTotals List List of sales tax amounts
---- order.totals.taxTotals.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent with designation
---- order.totals.taxTotals.value String Sales tax rate in percent
---- order.totals.taxTotals.totalSumMin String Net amount of the order (min)
---- order.totals.taxTotals.totalSum String Net amount of the order
---- order.totals.taxTotals.taxSumMin String Total of all sales tax amounts (min)
---- order.totals.taxTotals.taxSum String Total of all sales tax amounts
order.paymentPlan Object
-- order.paymentPlan.currency String Payment plan currency
-- order.paymentPlan.items List List of all payment plan entries
---- ppItem.description String Description text
---- ppItem.dueDate String Due Date
---- ppItem.status String Status (NOT_INVOICED, INVOICE_IN_PROGRESS, INVOICED)
---- ppItem.taxRate String Sales tax rate in percent
---- ppItem.amount String Quantity
---- ppItem.unit String Unit
---- ppItem.pricePerUnit String Price per unit
---- ppItem.paymentTotal String Amount of the payment plan entry
---- ppItem.invoicedTotal String Billed amount

To the Top ↑

Access Invoice Data

The following data is provided for an "Invoice" type template:

Name Format Description
invoice.creator Object
-- long Unique Creator Id
-- String Creator Name
invoice.creationDate String Date of creation
invoice.invoiceDate String Date of the Invoice
invoice.invoiceNumber String Invoice Number
invoice.servicePeriodStartDate String Start date of the service period
invoice.servicePeriodEndDate String End date of the service period
invoice.servicePeriodMonth String Month of the service period
invoice.servicePeriodYear String Year of the service period
invoice.status String Invoice status
invoice.customerId String Unique Customer Id
invoice.vatNumber String VAT number given by the customer
invoice.supplierNumber String Supplier number given by the customer
invoice.customer Object
-- invoice.customer.salutationType String Typ of Salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- invoice.customer.salutation String Salutation without the name
-- invoice.customer.salutationWithName String Salutation with name
-- invoice.customer.streetAddress String Street and house number
-- invoice.customer.postalCode String Zip Code
-- String City
-- invoice.customer.postalCodeAndCity String Zip Code and City
-- invoice.customer.region String Region
-- String Country
-- invoice.customer.addressLine1 String Address supplement 1
-- invoice.customer.addressLine2 String Address supplement 2
-- String Phone Number
-- String E-Mail Address
-- String Website
invoice.customerContact Object
-- invoice.customerContact.salutationType String Typ of Salutation (DEFAULT, MR, MS)
-- invoice.customerContact.salutation String Salutation without a name
-- invoice.customerContact.salutationWithName String Salutation with name
-- invoice.customerContact.streetAddress String Street and House Number
-- invoice.customerContact.postalCode String Zip Code
-- String City
-- invoice.customerContact.postalCodeAndCity String Zip Cpode and City
-- invoice.customerContact.region String Region
-- String Country
-- invoice.customerContact.addressLine1 String Address supplement 1
-- invoice.customerContact.addressLine2 String Address supplement 2
-- String Phone Number
-- String E-Mail Address
-- String Website
invoice.billingAddressText String Complete Billing Address
invoice.offerReference String Reference Number of related Offer
invoice.orderReference String Reference Number of related Order
invoice.orderNumber String Number of related Order
invoice.orderName String Title of related Order
invoice.orderDate String Date of related Order String Title of the Invoice
invoice.costCenterId String Cost Center ID
invoice.currency String Currency
invoice.currencySymbol String Currency Symbol
invoice.reverseCharge boolean Flag whether Reverse Charge procedure is used for this invoice.
invoice.invoiceNumberCancelled String Invoice Number of Cancellation Invoice
invoice.invoiceDateCancelled String Date of Cancellation Invoice
invoice.invoiceNameCancelled String Title of Cancellation Invoice
invoice.cancellationInvoice boolean Flag, if invoice is a cancellation invoice
invoice.introductoryTextItems List List of introductory Text Items
-- itItem.textItem Object
---- itItem.textItem.sortIndex int Sort Index
---- itItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag, if there is a top line
---- itItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag, if there is a bottom line
---- itItem.textItem.text String HTML-formatted Text
invoice.items List List of Invoice- and Text Positions
-- item.position int Position Nummer
-- item.sortIndex int Sort Index
-- item.lineItem Object Provide the date for an Invoice Position
---- item.lineItem.description String Description
---- String Position Type Identifier (TIME_AND_MATERIALS, FIXED_PRICE, STANDARD)
---- item.lineItem.type.displayName String Display Name of Position Type
---- item.lineItem.taxRate String Tax Rate in Percentage
---- item.lineItem.taxRateValue String Tax Rate Value
---- item.lineItem.renderAmount boolean Flag, if amount should be rendered
---- item.lineItem.amountNotSpecified boolean Flag, if no amounts are required
---- item.lineItem.amountRange boolean Flag, if a price range is configured
---- item.lineItem.amount String Amount
---- item.lineItem.unit String Unit
---- item.lineItem.pricePerUnit String Price per Unit
---- item.lineItem.priceTotal String Total Price Net
---- item.lineItem.discounted boolean Flag, if discount exists
---- item.lineItem.discountType String Type of Discount (Percentage, Value)
---- item.lineItem.discountValue String Percentage or absolute value of discount
---- item.lineItem.discountTotal String Monetary value of the percentage discount
---- item.lineItem.itemTotal String ...
---- item.lineItem.priceTotalGross String Total Price Gross
---- item.lineItem.billable boolean Flag, if position is billable
---- item.lineItem.lineTop boolean Flag, if there is a top line
---- item.lineItem.lineBottom boolean Flag, if there is a bottom line
---- item.lineItem.items List List of all service type entries
------ serviceItem.pos String Number of the position
------ serviceItem.amountMin String Minimal amount (price range is activated)
------ serviceItem.amount String Amount
------ serviceItem.unit String Unit
------ serviceItem.billRate String Bill rate
------ serviceItem.priceTotalMin String Minimal total amount (price range is activated)
------ serviceItem.priceTotal String Total Amount
---- item.lineItem.serviceEntryData List List of all service entries related to the invoice position.
------ serviceEntryData... ... See description below "invoice.serviceEntryData"
-- item.textItem Object Provide data for a text position
---- item.textItem.sortIndex int Index für die Sortierung
---- item.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag, if there is a top line
---- item.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag, if there is a bottom line
---- item.textItem.text String HTML-formatted Text
invoice.closingTextItems List List of closing tests
-- ctItem.textItem Object Provide data for the text item
---- ctItem.textItem.sortIndex int Sort Index
---- ctItem.textItem.lineTop boolean Flag, if there is a top line
---- ctItem.textItem.lineBottom boolean Flag, if there is a bottom line
---- ctItem.textItem.text String HTML-formatted Text
invoice.termsOfPayment Object Terms of Payment
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.paymentDeadline int Payment Deadline
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountDeadline int Payment Discount Deadline
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountPercent String Payment Discount percentage value
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountAmount String Payment Discount monetary value
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.totalGrossAfterPaymentDiscount String Total Gross after Payment Discount
-- invoice.termsOfPayment.paymentDiscountExists boolean Flag, if payment discount monetary value is > 0
invoice.totals Object Invoice Totals
-- invoice.totals.range boolean Flag, if price range is activated
-- invoice.totals.priceTotalNetUndiscounted String Total Net exclusive discounts
-- invoice.totals.positionDiscounts boolean Flag, if position discounts exist
-- invoice.totals.totalDiscounts boolean Flag, if total discounts exist
-- invoice.totals.discounts List List of all total discounts
---- discount.type String Discount Type (AMOUNT, PERCENTAGE)
---- discount.value String Discount Value
---- discount.amount String Negative monetary discount value
-- invoice.totals.priceTotalNet String Total Net inclusive total discounts
-- invoice.totals.taxTotals List List of tax rates
---- invoice.totals.taxTotals.taxRate String Tax Rate in percentage with description
---- invoice.totals.taxTotals.value String Tax Rate in Percentage
---- invoice.totals.taxTotals.totalSum String Total Net of the Invoice
---- invoice.totals.taxTotals.taxSum String Total Tax Rate Values
invoice.serviceEntryData List Provides the service and additional service entries of the invoice
---- long Id of service or additional service entry
---- String Title
---- String Date
---- seItem.amount String Amount
---- seItem.unit String Unit
---- seItem.pricePerUnit String Price per Unit
---- seItem.priceTotal String Total Price
---- seItem.type String Type der Data Structure
- DefaultPaymentPlanEntryExportData
- DefaultAdditionalServiceEntryExportData
- DefaultServiceEntryExportData
---- HashMap Data Structure (see description below)

To the Top ↑

Three different data structures are currently provided in the "seItem.Data" hashmap, which are shown below as a JSON structure. This data is accessed using the following exemplary notation in Freemarker:

<#list invoice.serviceEntryData?filter(d -> d.type == 'DefaultServiceEntryExportData') as serviceEntryData>

In the first line, the set of services from working times is filtered out of the set of all data records below ServiceEntryData and iterated through via a list element.

<#list invoice.serviceEntryData?filter(d -> d.type == 'DefaultServiceEntryExportData') as serviceEntryData>

The following notation is used to access a property of the data under


The "data.invoiceItemIndex" property is used to read out the associated invoice item.



This type describes a service entry that has arisen through the transfer of working hours. The following data is provided:

"data" : {
    "date" : "2022-06-27",
    "serviceType" : "Junior Frontend Developer",
    "taskKeyWithName" : "WD-1: Create Workshop Concept",
    "employeeWithCostCenter" : "Max Mustermann (KS1234)",
    "orderNumber" : "AU-2022-10001",
    "projectKeyWithName" : "WD: Website Development",
    "taskKey" : "WD-1",
    "description" : "Develop a concept for a workshop (WD-1)",
    "typeHint" : "DefaultServiceEntryExportData",
    "employee" : "Max Mustermann",
    "descriptionWithTaskKey" : "Create Workshop Conzept (WD-1)",
    "projectDetails" : "WD: Website Development",
    "pricePerUnit" : 110.0000,
    "amountRecorded" : 8,
    "projectKey" : "WD",
    "invoiceItemIndex" : 0,
    "customerId" : "KD-2022-10001",
    "currency" : "EUR",
    "id" : 90,
    "priceBillTotal" : 880.0000,
    "orderName" : "Website Relaunch",
    "amount" : 8.0000,
    "unitName" : "Hour",
    "customerName" : "Demo AG",
    "orderDetails" : "AU-2022-10001 / Website Relaunch / Concept Workshop / Junior Frontend Developer",
    "unit" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "HOURLY_RATE",
        "additionalAttributes" : { },
        "displayName" : "Hour"
    "name" : "Website Relaunch",
    "taskName" : "Create Workshop Concept",
    "projectName" : "Website Development"


This type describes an additional service entry. The following data is provided:

"data" : {
  "date" : "2023-10-18",
  "amount" : 4.0000,
  "orderNumber" : "AU-2022-10005",
  "employeeWithCostCenter" : "Max Mustermann (AB1234)",
  "unitName" : "Piece",
  "description" : "<p>Licence costs</p>",
  "typeHint" : "DefaultAdditionalServiceEntryExportData",
  "employee" : "Max Mustermann",
  "customerName" : "Demo AG",
  "pricePerUnit" : 120.0000,
  "orderDetails" : "AU-2022-10005 / Website Relaunch / Licence Costs",
  "unit" : {
    "id" : 0,
    "name" : "PIECE",
    "additionalAttributes" : { },
    "displayName" : "Stück"
  "invoiceItemIndex" : 0,
  "customerId" : "KD-2022-10001",
  "name" : "Licence Costs",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "id" : 41,
  "priceBillTotal" : 480.0000,
  "orderName" : "Website Relaunch"


This type describes payments plan entry. The following data is provided:

"data" : {
  "date" : "2022-07-31",
  "amount" : 1.0000,
  "orderNumber" : "AU-2022-10002",
  "employeeWithCostCenter" : "Max Mustermann",
  "unitName" : "Piece",
  "description" : "<p>Final Payment Rate</p>",
  "typeHint" : "DefaultPaymentPlanEntryExportData",
  "employee" : "Max Mustermann",
  "customerName" : "Demo AG",
  "pricePerUnit" : 110.0000,
  "orderDetails" : "AU-2022-10002 / Website Relaunch / -",
  "unit" : {
    "id" : 0,
    "name" : "PIECE",
    "additionalAttributes" : { },
    "displayName" : "Stück"
  "invoiceItemIndex" : 0,
  "customerId" : "KD-2022-10001",
  "name" : "Final Payment Rate",
  "currency" : "EUR",
  "id" : 27,
  "priceBillTotal" : 110.0000,
  "orderName" : "Website Relaunch"

To the Top ↑

Access Data for Activity Reports

The same data is provided for the creation of a activity report as for an invoice, as an activity report is always in the context of an invoice. Accessing this data from an activity report template differs only in the prefix.

Example: Instead of ${invoice.invoiceNumber}, ${activity_report.invoiceNumber} is used.

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Access Data for E-Mails

The following additional data is provided for the creation of frame templates of type "e-mail":

Name Format Description String E-Mail address of current foreknown user String Complete name of current foreknown user
subject String Subject of the E-Mail
content String Text of the E-Mail (including HTML)

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Use of Template Variables

To include the value of a variable in a freemarker template the following expression is used for example:

<# if var.companyName?has_content>

The if-statement ensures that the company name is only output if the variable has a value. If a variable was accessed that did not exist, the Freemarker process would get an error and no printed offer, order or invoice would appear.

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Customize Excel Template

An Excel template is used to export filtered data for service entries in the form of a table. The concept of Excel templates is based on different types of placeholders that you can place within an Excel spreadsheet in the header, footer and table. However, there are a few rules to follow.

The following screenshot shows how an Excel template can look like.

Template - Activty Report

We see the header line with the static heading "Activity Report" and the placeholder [#FILTER#monthYear#]. Below that is the actual table with various placeholders and at the end the footer, where a placeholder [#VARIABLE#companyName#] and standard fields of Excel are used.

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Special Features & Restrictions

In Excel tables, a distinction is made between the header, the table and the footer. Not all placeholders can be used in all areas. There are the following restrictions to consider.

  1. The header and footer of an Excel table are divided into three fields. Only placeholders of type "FILTER" and "VARIABLE" can be used in these fields. However, several placeholders can be inserted per field.
  2. All placeholder types can be used in the table. However, only one placeholder can be inserted in a cell. Placeholder may not be combined with other text in a cell. The "LIST" placeholder may only be used once and all "LIST" placeholders must be in exactly one row of the table. No other placeholders can be used in this row. However, columns with formulas or static values can be inserted, which are then transferred to each generated service line.
  3. The Excel sheet is responsible for correct display of values in the cells of the table that contain placeholders. Although a "text" has been inserted by inserting a placeholder, the cell must be assigned the correct type and format in Excel in order to correctly display the inserted value. For example, the cell with the date of a service must also be set as "date" with the desired format in Excel.
  4. If you want to be able to provide Excel tables in different country-specific versions (DE, US), you must create separate templates for each country in which the cells are formatted accordingly.

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foreknown Placeholder for Services

In order to be able to insert the data from foreknown into an Excel table, a variety of placeholders of different types are provided, which are described below. A placeholder is always structured as follows:


There are 4 different placeholder types: FILTER, LIST, VARIABLE, SUM

FILTER Placeholder

These placeholders essentially provide the information resulting from the currently selected filter settings. These placeholders can be used in the header, table and footer.

  • [#FILTER#accountName#]: Returns the name of your foreknown account.
  • [#FILTER#createdAt#]: Returns the current date. The date format is set in the cell of the excel sheet. The cell must be assigned a date format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#monthYear#]: Returns the month and year of the period selected in the filter. The following rules apply:
    • If no time period has been set in the filter, "month/year" will be determined from the current date.
    • If a period was selected that is within a month, "month/year" of the period is returned.
    • If a period was selected that covers several months, "Month/Year - Month/Year" will be determined from the first and last month.
    • The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#amount#]: Returns the number of found entries resulting from the filter settings. The cell must be assigned a numeric format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#startDate#]: Returns the start date of the period selected in the filter. If no period is set, the text "No start date selected" is displayed. The cell must be assigned a date format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#endDate#]: Returns the end date of the period selected in the filter. If no period is set, the text "No end date selected" is displayed. The cell must be assigned a date format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#period#]: Returns the start and end date as text e.g. "01-01-2021 - 31-01-2021". The cell in the Excel table must therefore have the format "Text". The date format is generated in foreknown depending on the set language. If no period is set, the text "No period selected" will be displayed.
  • [#FILTER#status#]: Returns a text with all statuses that were selected in the filter settings. If the filter was not set, the text "No status selected" will appear. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#orders#]: Returns a text with all the order numbers that were selected in the filter settings. If the filter was not set, the text "No order selected" will appear. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#employees#]: Returns a text with all employees selected in the filter settings. If the filter was not set, the text "No employee selected" appears. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#customers#]: Returns a text with all customers numbers selected in the filter settings. If the filter has not been set, the text "No customer selected" will appear. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#serviceTypes#]: Returns a text with all service types selected in the filter settings. If the filter was not set, the text "No service type selected" will appear. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#invoices#]: Returns a text with all invoices selected in the filter settings. If the filter was not set, the text "No invoice selected" will appear. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#FILTER#summary#]: Returns a text dynamically composed of the filter settings for status, orders, employees, customers, invoices, and service types, and outputs only the selected filters in a multiline text. If no filters are set, the text "No filters selected" is displayed. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.

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LIST Placeholder

These placeholders provide the data of the services resulting from the currently selected filter settings. These placeholders can only be used in the table and must be on one row.

  • [#LIST#employee#]: Provides the name of the employee that the service is based on. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#employeeWithCostCenter#]: Returns the name of the employee with the cost center behind it.
  • [#LIST#date#]: Returns the date of the service. The cell must be assigned a date format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#duration#]: Returns the billable duration in hours or days depending on the unit. The cell must be assigned a numeric format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#durationBooked#]: Returns the booked duration in hours or days depending on the unit. The cell must be assigned a numeric format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#orderName#]: Returns the name of the order assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#orderNumber#]: Returns the order number of the order assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#orderDetails#]: Returns in a text the order number, order description, item number and service type assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel. "Text break" should also be set.
  • [#LIST#serviceType#]: Returns the name of the service type assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#task#]: Returns the key and name of the task for which a service was created. Since a task can also consist of several working time entries (daily rates), several key/name pairs maybe output comma-separated.
  • [#LIST#taskKey#]: Returns the key of the task for which a service was created. Since a task can also consist of several working time entries (daily rates), several keys may be output comma-separated.
  • [#LIST#taskName#]: Returns the name of the task for which a service was created. Since a task can also consist of several working time entries (daily rates), several names may be output comma-separated.
  • [#LIST#customerId#]: Returns the customer number of the customer assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#customerName#]: Returns the name of the customer assigned to the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#description#]: Returns the description of the service. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#descriptionWithTaskKey#]: Provides the description of the working time and the key of the task, for which a service was created. Since a service can also consist of several working time entries (daily rates), several description/key pairs may be output comma-separated.
  • [#LIST#rate#]: Provides the hourly or daily rate of the service. The cell must be assigned an accounting format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#unit#]: Returns the unit of the service e.g. hours, days. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#priceTotal#]: Returns the amount of the service (duration * rate). The cell must be assigned an accounting format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#accountLabel#]: Returns the value of the label with the prefix "Account:". If the service entry has multiple working time entries, the values are provided as a comma-separated list. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#customerLabel#]: Returns the value of the label with the prefix "Customer:". If the service entry has multiple working time entries, the values are provided as a comma-separated list. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#projectLabel#]: Returns the value of the label with the prefix "Project:". If the service entry has multiple working time entries, the values are provided as a comma-separated list. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#epicLabel#]: Returns the value of the label with the prefix "Epic:". If the service entry has multiple working time entries, the values are provided as a comma-separated list. The cell must be assigned a text format in Excel.
  • [#LIST#project#]: Returns the project key and project name for a service entry if it is based on a project task.
  • [#LIST#projectKey#]: Returns the project key for a service entry if it is based on a project task.
  • [#LIST#projectName#]: Returns the project name for a service entry if it is based on a project task.
  • [#LIST#projectNumber#]: Returns the project number for a service entry if it is based on a project task.
  • [#LIST#projectDetails#]: Returns the project key, project name and project number for a service entry, if this is based on a project task. Format: : ()

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VARIABLE Placeholder

This placeholder can insert the values of the variables that can be maintained at the template. The placeholder can be used in the header, footer and table. It is not possible to use it in the line that contains the LIST placeholder. An example is shown below.

  • [#VARIABLE#companyName#]: Returns the value of the variable "companyName" maintained at the template.

All cells containing a VARIABLE placeholder must be given the format "Text".

Documentation-Link: For detailed information on how to maintain variables on templates, see "Edit Variables" on this page.

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SUM Placeholder

This placeholder is used to be able to insert sums into the Excel sheet for certain performance properties.

  • [#SUM#duration#]: Returns a formula that sums all rows in the "Billable Duration" column as a partial result. The cell must be given a numeric format in Excel.
  • [#SUM#durationBooked#]: Returns a formula that sums all rows in the "Booked Duration" column as a partial result. The cell must be given a numeric format in Excel.
  • [#SUM#priceTotal#]: Returns a formula that sums all rows of the "Amount" column as a partial result. The cell must be given an accounting format in Excel.

Note: For each SUM placeholder used, there must always be a column with the corresponding LIST placeholder. Example: If you use the placeholder [#SUM#duration#], you must also use the placeholder [#LIST#duration#] in the row for the LIST placeholders.

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