The new version 1.10 of foreknown has been released. Below you can find all the details about this version:
New features
The following new features have been implemented in foreknown:
- (FKE-69) Transfer and display service descriptions completely.
- (FKE-214) Administration of additional services
- (FKE-215) Billing of additional services
- (FKE-216) Be able to create an additional service for due payment plan entries
- (FKE-229) Show assigned task with work time entries
- (FKE-232) Apply Tempo account as label during Jira synchronization
Bug Fixes
- (FKE-205) Rounding rule may not apply to work times with billable time explicitly set to 0.
- (FKE-226) Employee filter also shows users without employee entry.
- (FKE-223) Order controlling shows errors if the number of a position is set to 0.