Product Release 1.9 (CW 21/2022)

With the release 1.9 of foreknown a comprehensive team controlling is provided. Furthermore, the recording of absence times for employees and team managers is enabled.

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Product Release 1.8 (CW 19/2022)

The new version 1.8 of foreknown has been released and provides a new team management and many extensions for the Jira Plugin incl. Tempo Integration.

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Product Release 1.7 (CW 15/2022)

Release 1.7 provides some improvements around invoices and the first version of the Jira plugin for synchronization of projects, tasks, work logs and comments.

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Product Release 1.6 (CW 10/2022)

Release 1.6 of foreknown introduces the "Assign Project" function at orders, which allows order items to be assigned to projects for implementation.

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