User Interface polished up

A few weeks have passed since our last release. The reason for this is the complete overhaul of our user interface combined with the introduction of a new employee dashboard and a new quick access to business objects. Find out what it's all about in this article.

A modern web application is usually based on a web development framework in order to use standardized concepts for the creation of user interfaces based on HTML, CSS and Javascript. For our web application foreknown, we use Bootstrap (HTML, CSS) in combination with Angular (JS) to realize a so-called “Progressive Web App”, which enabl...

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Product Release 2.11.1 (CW45/2024)

The foreknown release 2.11.1 provides an optimized interface based on the latest Angular and Bootstrap versions. In addition, the start page for employees has been equipped with useful widgets relating to working hours and tasks.

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Product Release 2.10.8 (CW33/2024)

The foreknown release 2.10.8 provides an improvement in the error analysis of templates and some bug fixes.

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Product Release 2.10.7 (CW 24/2024)

The foreknown release 2.10.7 provides enhancements and bug fixes in the invoice wizard, project budgets and tax rates.

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